Brianna Lipovsky

Curriculum Vitae Q&A with the Founder of Maison d’Etto

Astrological sign? 
Aries with Libra rising trying to balance out all of my Aries fire.

Lucky number? 
7, 11 and 212

Favorite Color? 
Brown or Green – Do I have to choose?
Morning, Noon, or Night? 
Pre-child it was morning. Post-child it’s night, when she’s asleep and it’s just “me time.” 😉

Uptown, Midtown, or Downtown? 
Downtown for Work, Uptown for Life.

Oscars, Tonys, or Grammys? 

Met, MOMA, or Movies? 

Football, Baseball, or Basketball? 
The rest of the world’s Football, aka Soccer in the US.

Green Tea, Black Tea, or Herbal Tea? 
Herbal Tea with Honey 
Black Tea with Milk and Honey

Sugar, Splenda, or Stevia? 

Red, White, or Rosé? 
All of the above

Spicy, Salty, or Sweet? 
Sweet tooth all the way

Sandwich, Soup, or Salad?
Depends on the season. This winter I am really into soup and a side of salad. I work out of the NeueHouse and every day they have an incredibly fresh soup with a rotation of salads. I typically go for both.

Is your wardrobe black, white, or color? 

Is your closet messy or neat?
Do I have to answer?

What’s your favorite room? 

What do you collect? 
Horses and crystals

Dream dinner guest?
This is a hard one… my 5 year old daughter Zoe who is an absolute riot when she’s behaved, or my dear friend Stephanie Zilo who now lives in Milan and I miss her so much. The two of them together, now that’s a party full of love and lots of laughs!

Sunday ritual? 
My Sundays are typically centered around riding and food. I am not riding at the moment and am a working mom running two different companies so I don’t necessarily have a Sunday ritual other than rest or work at the moment. So here is what that looks like. Even though my daughter is now 5, we still all try to nap on the weekends. I just love naps. So I will either try and sleep or meditate. Because of the constant on-the-go lifestyle I need to make meaning out of the small moments so I try to ritualize when and where I can. It’s typically a morning, mid-day or evening ritual involving rinsing myself with water to balance out the fiery Aries, then smudging myself with some sort of clearing or healing wood and layering on fragrance and an incredible serum and moisturizer on the face. As I get older, skincare has become the utmost of importance to me. I was just given samples of Royal Fern and I am in LOVE! 

Favorite flower? 
This is hard…
To smell — Neroli, Ylang Ylang, Frangipani, Jasmin.
Look at — Lavender fields in the Pyrenees mountains in France, the soft supple purple mixed with the natural green long grass. Or bright, winding Bougainvillea encasing the horse farms in Wellington, Florida.

Cheat meal?
Ice cream, but I eat it almost every day so its not much of a cheat – oops.

As we’re moving into the new decade, what are you taking with you and what are you leaving behind?
I am trying my best to leave behind fear of the unknown. I am taking my mindfulness and meditation practice and the concept of “surrender” from The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer. 

Do you have any rituals that you consider important to being your best self?
Maison d’Etto is a ritual based brand and finding even the tiniest of moments to ritualize are so important to me. I have so many. Any time 11:11 coincidentally comes into my line of sight, I stop, close my eyes and set an intention or make a wish. I also ritualize most bathing routines. So shower, smudge with a wood or resin (typically the entire family will participate – daughter and husband) then apply a moisturizer and layer on fragrance to my body, hair and clothing. This is a time where I try to connect most with myself and set my intentions for the day or week. I also aim to meditate at least once a day to help chill out my body and mind. I can be an intense person and I need the practice not only for myself but for others around me to not transfer my energy onto them. 

Talent you’d like to have? 
To be able to heal and help others and to also be injury resistant when riding. 

Quality you want to be remembered by? 
Kindness, Empathy, Compassion and Care.

Best thing about New York?
The energy — anything is possible.

What does Considered Luxury mean to you?
Intention. Authenticity. Time. Thoughtfulness. Planning. Quality of ingredients/materials. And a little bit of brooding and obsessiveness of craft. 
