What is your favorite holiday tradition?
CS: It’s the little things each year that I look forward to. Every Thanksgiving my mom, my sister and I make stuffing from scratch and we bake cookies from scratch… probably my two favorite traditions that we’ve been doing since I was five.
Where do you find cheer during the holiday season?
CS: I try to celebrate occasions throughout the season, whether it’s house gatherings, dinner parties, impromptu concerts or last minute trips. Basically from fall to Christmas we try to do things that we didn’t do all year because I was too busy working. Things that are fun and for no reason, like “let’s just have a dinner party…tonight”. It’s the best.
What’s your favorite gift you’ve ever received?
CS: My favorite gift I’ve ever received was this painting from my mom. I’m obsessed with art, and I have art all over my house. This was a painting that my mom grew up with, it was her mother’s, so it’s probably from the early 1900s, which is so cool. It’s kind of French and Provence feeling, and it’s a watercolor and beautiful and amazing and I think it’s worth nothing, but it’s my favorite thing. It’s so fabulous.
What’s your favorite gift you’ve ever given?
CS: I just bought my mom a house. You always want to take care of the moms, so she got a big house which was her birthday present.
If you could have a toast or a cheers with anyone living or dead, who would it be?
CS: Marilyn. Duh. She was the original curvy actress and I have made my career on celebrating the curvy woman. If Marilyn was still around I think Hollywood and fashion would be different in how they treat the curvy actress, so that’s why I would want to meet her, dress her, hang out with her.