Melissa Morris

Curriculum Vitae Q&A with Métier London's founder and designer.

Astrological sign? 
MM: Taurus

Lucky number? 

Favorite color? 
MM: Green

Morning, noon, or night? 
MM: Morning. I am definitely at my best first thing in the morning.

Uptown, midtown or downtown? 
MM: Downtown (and Brooklyn).

Oscars, Tonys or Grammys? 
MM: Oscars

Met, MOMA or Movies? 
MM: The Dia Beacon and Storm King are my two favorite places to check out art in NY… also love visiting all the galleries.

Football, baseball, or basketball? 
MM: Tennis actually! I grew up playing and still love it.

Green tea, black tea, or herbal tea? 
MM: Green. Obsessed with Matcha.

Sugar, Splenda, or Stevia? 
MM: None! If its good quality, sugar isn’t needed.  

Red, white, or rosé? 
MM: All… depends on the season. I love to follow the seasons with food and wine.  It keeps it fresh – literally.

Spicy, salty, or sweet? 
MM: Salty then sweet and repeat. Also not averse to combining the two – chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite.

Sandwich, soup, or salad?
MM: I am on a real soup kick at the moment. So easy to make and very comforting for winter…

Black, white or color? 
MM: All black or all white. Very little color!

Is your closet messy or neat? 
MM: An organized mess. I have different systems to help keep me organized with minimal effort – similar as to how I have designed my bags. Everyone imagines I am super organized, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. I try to create ways to keep myself in one piece with minimal effort.

What’s your favorite room? 
MM: My bedroom.  

What do you collect? 
MM: Vintage watches

Dream dinner guest?
MM: Michelle and Barack (completely uncensored). I would have so many questions.

Sunday ritual? 
MM: Pilates in the morning, visit an art gallery in the early afternoon, then make an early dinner and hit up my yin yoga class. As much as I love to travel, I am equally a home body.  My Sunday routine definitely sets me up for the week.

MM: Favorite flower? 
Sunflowers. They are tall, strong and bright.

Cheat meal?
MM: My mom’s grilled cheese (with American cheese and white bread…)

Talent you’d like to have? 
MM: I wish I could sing… I am sadly hopeless.

Quality you want to be remembered by? 
MM: A blend of polar opposites. I am a walking dichotomy, which is reflected in my work. I worked tirelessly to have each of my pieces balance being equally lightweight as durable; organized yet effortless, perfected craftsmanship yet relaxed. I double majored in sculpture and business – I love art as much as math. I want things to make sense, but in a completely effortless and authentic way.

Best thing about New York?
MM: The energy – there’s absolutely nothing like it anywhere else.

What does Considered Luxury mean to you?
MM: Thoroughly perfected, timeless, purposeful, authentic, uncompromising.
