Marina Moscone

Our Curriculum Vitae Q&A with Marina Moscone. Sisters Marina and Francesca Moscone created a designer womenswear and accessories brand rooted in the spirit of timeless elegance and luxury craftsmanship.

Astrological sign?

Lucky number?

Favorite color?

Morning, Noon, or Night?

Uptown, Midtown, or Downtown?
It’s downtown or I’m out of town.

Met, MOMA, or Movies?
The met always.

Football, Baseball, or Basketball?
Italian football which is your American soccer

Green Tea, Black Tea, or Herbal Tea?

Sugar, Splenda, or Stevia?
No sweeteners!

Red, White, or Rosé?
A robust Italian red all the way.

Spicy, Salty, or Sweet?
Salty and Spicy.

Sandwich, Soup, or Salad?
All of it!

Black, white or color?
Black indefinitely.

Is your closet messy or neat?
Unimaginably neat.

What’s your favorite room in your home?
The dining room.

What do you collect?
Anything with African elephants.

Dream dinner guest?
Nelson Mandela.

Sunday ritual?
Not using my phone.

Favorite flower?

Favorite scent?

Cheat meal?
Nothing is a cheat meal!

Favorite place to escape to when you need a moment of respite?
An airplane – no one can really get me there.

Talent you’d like to have?
Playing the piano far better than I currently am able to.

Quality you want to be remembered by?
Making exquisitely tailored clothes that inspire people to achieve their dreams.

Best thing about New York?
Everything – the art, the grit, the restaurants…even the people, at times.

It’s hard not to be reminiscent of the past, and distracted by the future. How do you strive to live in the moment?
I have learned from the past and I infinitely trust that everything I do in the moment is a part of my unwavering vision and commitment to my brand, which is the anchor to building a bold future.

What does Considered Luxury mean to you?
Integrity, Purpose, Longevity.

What was the inspiration behind starting your brand?
I have had the dream of building a brand since I was three when I discovered that I wanted to spend my life designing beautiful clothing. I am fascinated by exceptionally and purposefully tailored garments that are open to interpretation and can be collected and kept forever.

Give three words that describe your brand?
Purist, Modern, Intentional.
